Dog Training – Henderson, Kentucky
Family First K9 is located only 45 minutes from Henderson. That is a short drive to the best dog training in Kentucky! We offer all of the same training services for Henderson listed on our website, including puppy, basic, and advanced obedience training classes, as well as workshops and clubs. For your convenience, though, you might consider our Board & Train Program. We will take great care of your dog while away from home, treating him/her like a member of our family! Why not work the training session into a time when you are going to be out of town anyway? We will work with your dog in a variety of locations and around a variety of people to help him feel comfortable in all situations.
Board & train is great for dogs that:
- Act possessive of a thing or place, but has not bitten?
- Act aggressive towards other dogs or people, but has not bitten?
- Has problems with house training?
- In general, has bad manners
- Pulls the leash when walking
- Jumps up on visitors
- Does not come when called
- Refuses to stay
dog training classes offered to henderson

6 Weeks long consisting of one hour classes. This class adds to the skills from the intermediate class including long downs, sit out of motion, the stand command, front command as well as focused heeling. We also introduce dogs to agility obstacles in this class.

Contact us for more information about our Board & Train program