Drug Sniffing Dog Services


For Businesses

As a small family-run business, we understand how important it is that your business run smoothly, efficiently, while it brings in a profit.  We partner with business by offering flexible and affordable detection services.  

The benefits of ensuring your workplace is free of illegal substances can include: Reduced absenteeism, less theft, fewer workplace injuries, and fewer workers compensation claims.

We train our dogs to pick up on even the slightest trace of illegal drugs.  Our dogs are taught to detect smells individually, and these individual scents cannot be masked by any other type of odor.  Illegal substances will be found even if they are in tightly sealed containers or deeply hidden.

Our dogs can identify many different illegal substances, such as:

  • Cocaine HCL
  • Crack cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Methamphetamines & Amphetamines
  • Ecstasy
  • And other commonly abused drugs.

Family First K9 offers dog sniffing services for use inside and outside of buildings and cars, and can also be used to screen visitors.

For Individuals

When a child or family member becomes  addicted to drugs, it can cause a great deal of pain and chaos within a family.  No matter their age, early identification and treatment is the best solution.  Most people who struggle with addiction like to keep their drugs in a place where they have control and feel a sense of safety.  This is usually in their home or in their car.

Our drug sniffing dogs can help bring you peace of mind by quickly and efficiently searching your home and/or property for illegal substances.  It also provides an opportunity for you to deal with a situation directly without having to involve law enforcement.

For Schools

Family First K9’s Narcotic Drug Detection canines provide an important layer of protection for schools.  Our dogs are trained to be social and friendly around children.  Contact us to set up this flexible and affordable service.

Contact us for more information about our detection dog training program

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